Goodbye Jeffrey


Last night Jeffrey passed away. As readers of his blog, you know about his zest for life. He had a passion for living and did it with reckless abandon. He gave so much of himself – to his family, to his friends, to his work – all because he loved his life and what he did.

We feel blessed to have shared his life and received his love. He has changed us in so many ways – helping us to love more deeply, be fearless and take risks. He was inspirational.

Jeffrey loved blogging and he loved reading your responses even more. He was awed by the comments people posted to his cancer blogging. He felt the love that reached out to him in every word you all wrote. Going in to his surgeries, he read the postings you wrote and it gave him strength.

Let’s give him strength again. I know that somehow, he will see your comments on this blog.

Tonight, drink a martini for Jeffrey – grey goose gibson, straight up with a twist. It’ll make him smile.

Love, Jessy, Brittany and Mac

206 responses to “Goodbye Jeffrey

  1. I’m am so very sorry to read this. Jeffrey was an amazing person who always brought me joy every time I had a chance to speak with him. He was one of these few unique people who carried with them a contagious positive energy that commonly rubbed off on the people around him. I consider this man one of the few great people I’ve met in technology. My thoughts, and those of my wife Tara, are with Jeffrey’s family. God bless.

  2. Jeffery, you will be missed dearly. You openness about your fight against cancer taught me a lot about life and I am thankful for the few dinners we were able to share.

    You’ve impacted an incredible amount of people and may you carry on through us all.

    I’ll have that martini now please.

  3. Jeffrey, we love you mate! We are going to have a few drinks in your honour at your favourite place here – ‘Cafe Berne’. Yes, mate, we finally made it there and you were right – it has character. Just like you did! My little daughters and me will always miss you!

    Dear Jessy, I can not express how deeply we feel for you and your family. Deeply sad for the loss and deeply envious to have shared a life with such a great person. Our thoughts are with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  4. Jeffery you will never know the distance of your reach or its impact on those you touched. Your fight against cancer was an inspiration to watch and a celebration of the human spirit. I can’t thank you enough for letting us walk with you while you fought.

    My heartfelt condolences go out to your family.

  5. I’m so sad to hear this news and so sorry for your loss Jessy, Brittany and Mac.
    I only got to meet Jeffrey the one time, but it was an awesome pleasure to chat with him about work and guitars…
    Rock on Jeffrey, will deffo have that drink for you..

  6. I am stunned. I can’t believe you are gone Jeffrey. What an immense loss. You touched me from the first time we met, and hanging out with you has brightened up many an otherwise boring conference evening.

    One thing’s for sure, I will always carry your smiling eyes and sexy voice with me wherever I go.


  7. Even though I never got the chance to meet him person, he was and will continue to be a source of inspiration to me in the way he faced life’s challenges and the ideas he left behind for the rest of us to follow up on. He will be missed, and I’m sure our team isn’t the only one toasting him tonight.

  8. Jeffrey, you are missed and have been an inspiration and a great joy to get to know. Now to finish to conversations we started with actions and kick some serious butt.

    I need to find another partner with a perfect Enterprise 2.0 conference 4.0 presentation score to do the 8.0 score attempt with, unless you want to come back for an encore.

    To all family, friends, and colleagues I wish peace & strength.

  9. Keep playing your song, wherever you are, Jeffrey. No matter whose path you crossed, you left your mark. If only we could all live our lives as fully as you did. Rest in peace.

  10. I am sad to hear that Jeffrey has moved on. But he did leave us with the precious gift of his friendship while he was here, and his gift of words, and things he built over the years.

    He is and will always be an inspiration.


  11. Jeffrey-

    I am wishing I had a picture of you right here, so that I could grab my pen and draw it, frame it in a little card, and send it to you in a bid to make you cry. That would make two of us, as I sit here at my computer crying, thinking of you, and wishing you peace and ease. The Buddhist practice known as “metta” is the practice of wishing loving kindness and freedom from suffering for ourselves, for our loved ones, and for all beings. I am wishing you much metta today, my friend.

    A couple of years ago you turned me on to Rotring pens, and the magic of drawing in ink, and I haven’t looked back. I hardly ever draw with a pencil anymore. When I have the opportunity to draw, I draw with ink now. There’s a commitment there – no erasing allowed or possible – you have to draw what you see, now, because there’s no other time, and no going back. That’s your legacy with me, and every time I draw with a pen for the rest of my life I will think of you….

    Now, there’s no other time than the one we’re in, and no other time than now to tell you how much I have treasured and valued our friendship. I’ve never been the best at expressing these things in words and only hope that you know how much it has meant to me to be your friend.

    I treasure you, my friend, and carry you with me…..

    Much metta-


  12. Your song was beautiful, and you fought brilliantly. The world will miss you.

  13. Sadness consumes me with this news, but I know this is not what you want, Jeffrey. I celebrate the courageous, fun, warm, ballsy hero that you are.

    Rock on my friend. We will always be tuned to your station.

    To family & friends, deepest sympathy.

  14. Hi Jeffrey,

    This is truly a very sad day, you were a real inspiration to all of us and you will be sorely missed.


  15. I am saddened by this. I was ispired by Jeffery a couple years ago. I was attending an expo, it may have been Web 2.o, at the Javits center in NYC. Jeffery was on one of panels and the topic was blogging and wiki’s.

    I was so impressed with Jeffery and his examples and explanations that I couldn’t wait to get back to the office to imlpement our own wiki of course I subscribed to his blog first!

    Though I didn’t personally know Jeffery, I was definitley connected to him.


  16. What a void I feel… I had just been wondering about Jeffrey these last days. Perhaps this is why.

    It was an honor to know you, Jeffrey, even just a little bit. You were indeed a very inspirational person. Thank you for everything you so generously shared.

    And to your family whom I don’t know (even though we’re somehow related 🙂 – wishing and sending you much strength and warm thoughts.

    All the best.

  17. For Jeffrey,

    I am eating .
    For Jeffrey.
    A little eggy omeletty thing.
    shmeared with feta cheese.
    a glop of pesto.
    wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.

    OOOO! Baby .

    Washed down with this concoction.
    Coffee ,yes fresh ground.
    Married in a french press.
    With cumin, ginger,tumeric,
    red pepperflakes and cinnamon –


    I just fast walked .
    Four morning miles.
    In air so sweet and fresh moist.
    An early fall North East Perfection.
    Warm light cool shade.
    Making moments of unforgettable memory.
    Of things I’ve seen a thousand times.
    Till today.

    For Jeffrey.

    I see.
    Young Kids.
    Trying things for the first time.
    Whoopee Weee!
    Young ladies.
    Swaying Lithely.
    Old enough too young.
    There’s that desire still.
    Fanciful Pantsfull.

    For Jeffrey.

    For Jeffery.
    I would not have.
    So fully indulged my sensuous.
    So fully expanded my ethic.
    From G- O – D to D- O- G.

    For Jeffery.

  18. That is a very very bad joke!
    We had some fantastic moments in Paris. I’ll keep those in mind so that you are not all gone ;-(

  19. Jeffrey – Thank you for everything. My thoughts are with your family. You will be dearly missed.

  20. Jeffrey touched so many lives. He gave us hope when we needed it, strength when we lacked it, wisdom when we yearned for it, but most of all courage because he had that in spades.

    Jessy, Brit and Mac. All my love in this difficult time. You have so many friends and loved ones who are here for you.

    Rest in peace you sweet and wonderful man.

  21. Pingback: Cancer Dude’s Last Battle. Good Bye, Jeffrey | Zoli’s Blog

  22. This is sad news for everyone of us. But I am sure that not for you. You won this battle in so many areas.

    You’ve changed my life (literally).

    Maybe we will see each other one day…
    Good bye Jeffrey.

  23. The world has lost a great soul. Jeffrey’s impact was far and wide as I am sure these comments will show. I will miss him and the positive imprint he has made on our lives. Thanks Jeffrey.

  24. Tonight the martini is for you Jeffrey, you’ll be missed!

  25. Jeffrey – As one Berklee grad to another, and in the high-tech Enterprise 2.0 space no less – pleasure to have met you and sorry to see you leave this mortal coil.

    Still remember your face when your cell phone rang during our first analyst briefing, and I pegged the ringtone as, appropriately enough, “Always with Me, Always with You” from Surfing with the Alien (

    But no doubt you’re still ripping it up and turning it well past 11 – as you always did.

  26. Jeffrey you will be missed. All future martinis will remind me of you now that I know it was your cocktail. And I must add that a man who can make an awesome tea sandwich AND drink a stiff drink like a martini has great range. I always knew you were versatile. Rest peacefully my friend.

    Jessy, Brittany, and Mac, my thoughts and love are with you. Someone once told me that you don’t get over it, but you can get through it.


  27. I’m saddened at this news and also encouraged to know that Jeffery’s impact lives on. I imagine that he is now hanging out with sysadmin of this temporal word – and I bet he has some ideas for improving it. His vision and accomplishments improved the lives of many in our E2.0 community and for thousands of developers around the world. He was a major force behind the bridging of great ideas into great products. And I can only imagine how much more of an impact he had to those who were close to him. He is remembered and will be missed.

  28. Jeffrey, we will miss your enthusiasm and zest for life. Keep rockin’.

  29. Jeff–you will be missed. Your attitude and energy and passion were an inspiration to all of us…..

  30. Fuck cancer.

    Jeffrey, you are the man. Jessy, Brittany, and Mac, I’m here for you – the office is here for you.

  31. Jeffery – I met you briefly a few years back in London. It was a pleasure to meet you then, and i’m deeply sorry to hear this news today.

    Best wishes to your family, friends and colleagues at Atlassian and elsewhere.

  32. This is a terrible loss. Jeffrey, you will be missed. Thanks for everything you did for all of us.

  33. Jeffrey will be missed. He was a fighter and a gentleman. My thoughts are with his family and dear ones.

    He was an inspiration and friend to many.

    I will wear my “The Occasionals” t-shirt and listen to some Chilli Peppers.

  34. Jeffrey you had a zest for life your friends aspire to emulate. It was clear any time I had the privilege to interact with you. You’re leadership and positive character have left an indelible on all of us. I’m honored to have known you and will always benefit from our friendship.


  35. I only met Jeff a few times, but they way he talked and opened up, it was as if we were long time friends. I will never forget his positive attitude during his battle with cancer…Jeff Walker, you are an inspiration to us all, my friend. We will miss you!

  36. Cheers to a man who spread so much happiness and kindness into the world. Your spirit will live on in the lives that you touched.

    “Even now
    I know that I have savored the hot taste of life
    Lifting green cups and gold at the great feast.
    And just for a small and a forgotten time
    I have had full in my eyes from off my girl
    The whitest pouring of eternal light.”

  37. Jeffrey always shared a zest for life and grounded love for all those he encountered. He constantly refreshed our lives with a childlike enthusiasm and and unbridled passion for even the most basic of things. I will dearly miss the times his channeled eyes and fervent voice yelped “This is so effing cool”.

    Jeffrey, we love you man!

    Jessy, Brittany and Mac, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  38. Here’s to you Jeffrey. You are one of a kind – an inspiration, endlessly positive, and showed us all how to fight valiantly.

    I’ll miss you.


  39. Jessy:

    So very very sorry. We are thinking of you and Brittany and Mac. Jeffrey, RIP…

    Pam and M’liss

  40. Pingback: Cancer Dude’s Last Battle. Good Bye, Jeffrey | CloudAve

  41. Roberto Dominguez

    Sad seeing you go… will always remember your passion and determination

  42. Jeffrey, you inspired me like you did so many others to live more bravely, love more fiercely, and enjoy more fully. Your spirit lives on.

    I will be raising a glass to you tonight while eating a salty, buttery steak…!

    Farewell, friend.

  43. Jeffrey was an incredible and inspiring person in so many ways. He was also a real person, with genuine interests extending in different directions. Perhaps most important was the excellence of his character. We will all miss him.

  44. Jeffrey,
    Thank you for pushing me forward and for being there to catch me when I and my family needed it the most.

  45. Jeffrey, you will be missed. I’m glad that we had the chance to meet, if only a few brief times.

  46. Jeffrey, you were amazing. You completely altered my perception of Jazz and martini’s for the better. All the best to your family

  47. My deepest sympathies to the Walker family.

    Jeffrey knew what life was about and never failed to share his passion with all those around.

  48. I never thought I’d be posting a comment on your blog after you’d passed on Jeff.

    You came into my mind on Sunday night – I was wondering how you were. Now I hear this news.

    You added some real value and reality to the business bubble we met in but you were so much bigger than that. I’ll miss you.

  49. So sorry to see this pop up in my RSS reader. I valued Jeffrey’s humanity, honesty and warmth and enjoyed our conversations whether they were about software or business or art or music or just people.

    A lovely, lovely man and an example to aspire to.

    Love to those left behind.

  50. To the musician, artist, traveler, father, husband, family member and friend; your reach is wide, your heart is pure and your love is unwavering. You brought joy to so many people. The words I have heard from people have been absolutely mind blowing.

    If the measure of a man is the positive impact he has had on others, you stand taller and broader than most in this world.

    If the measure of a man is the passion he has for life, there is no one greater.

    The journey continues, Jeffrey.

    I will miss you beyond comprehension. I will continue to be inspired by you and I will take strength from my memories of you.

    But most of all we will never let you go, you will always be here with us. You will be bound to this earth with all the hearts of those who love you.

  51. Goodbye, Jeffrey.

    You inspired me and taught me so much. You shared your wisdom freely. Your courage and your enthusiasm was contagiously. You set an amazing example of how to live and work with fullness. You set Atlassian on the right path, and kept us strong.

    You led an amazing life, and shared so many great stories that will live on in us.

    I miss you so much, and I’ll see you again someday.

  52. The moment I saw you, I knew you are an inspiring person. You’ll surely be missed.

    RIP Jeffrey.


  53. Jeffrey,

    Few people can effect so many people so deeply. I feel blessed to have known you. You inspired people to be their best. Atlassian wouldn’t be the same without you. Your energy, passion and enthusiasm will be sorely missed. God bless.

  54. Jeffrey it was a pleasure to know you. My prayers are with you and your family.

  55. Peace be with you Jeffrey. I know you’re going to be having a great time where ever you are.

    Peace, Love, Happiness

  56. Jeffrey was someone I’ll never forget. He was genuine. He was humble. He was inspiring. And he will always be all these things to me. We chatted every now and then. Ours was a punctuated friendship – it happened, paused, happened again. But is was always on. And I’m going to miss it. A sad day.

  57. That’s such bad, bad news. One of those people who was different from most. Passing him at the last conference in his booth, I asked him how business was. He responded “Oh, it’s fine. But none of this shit matters.”

    I know he played guitar. I was happy to know that he had that creative outlet. Warm memories, Jeffery.

  58. .

    Condolences to all the family. He affected many, many people.

  59. Truly one of a kind. Truly an inspiration. Farewell Jeffrey.

  60. I have good memories of Jeffrey when he had informally advised one of my previous companies. I remember him as being high energy, forceful, bright, straightforward, and helpful. Thank you Jeffrey for having an impact on us, and condolences to the family. I hope some of the tributes here on this page can help you celebrate his life and the positive impact he had on the world.

  61. You touched an inspired lives, hearts, thoughts – even far away, even through very short moments. I’m going to miss you.

    Rest in peace,

  62. I am extremely sad to hear this news. My deepest condolences to the family. There are very few people in the world that have the ability to affect so many lives in such wonderful, meaningful ways. Jeffery was certainly one of them. I remember our conversations around Indian music, to Enterprise 2.0 deployments to career advice that he gave me and his never ending support. A true gem, a wonderful human being and a great friend. Someone I am going to dearly miss…

  63. I don’t know how it is possible. My world is a little dimmer but the universe a little brighter today. Peace, friend.

  64. I actually thought of you intensely and prayed for you calmly last night and now I know why.

    Although we did not know each other very well, your positive energy was contagious. I loved having you as a client because you appreciated creativity and coming up with unexpected design solutions.

    To your family my sympathy and love. You will always live amongst us

  65. The bright, radiant, curious, creative, charismatic light that was Jeffrey is still out there shining on in each one of us, especially in Brittany, Mac and Jessie. I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Jeffrey was so good at creating lasting memories and being memorable–unforgettable! These things live in you Britt, Mac and Jessie and are now part of all of us. Let’s keep them alive:)

    much love,

  66. Dude, in spite of all the time we had to talk about this, and we did, I just feel numb at the thought that there’ll be no new memories that I can laugh, smile, scowl or cringe at. Thank you for the rich trove of past ones though –they’ll last another lifetime!
    Love you man,

  67. Jeffrey lived life to the fullest. He courageously fought to live to continue his zest for life and to share that with others. My love and thoughts go out to Jeffrey’s family who stood by him so bravely. He will really be missed.

  68. Jeffrey, you will keep inspiring us forever. You will always be alive in our thoughts. Thanks for touching so many lives in so many great ways. Three cheers for you, Jeffrey!

  69. I met Jeffrey only once, he zipped in to say something to Mike during my August ’08 interview in SF. I thought “wow, that guy has it going on”.

    Later on I found out he was on twitter, and I followed him, and through that found this blog. I read about his approach to cancer and was touched and amazed. I also read about the company I work for, and saw it through his eyes, and he taught me in only a few sentences things I might have missed for months, if not years. Thanks Jeffrey.

    I lost my dad to cancer 10 years ago; I’m super sensitive to another loss, it tears me up.

    Bye Jeffrey. Thank you.

  70. Jeffrey, You have given us all courage to live by. You will be missed. My heart goes out to your family.
    Debra, Tom and family

  71. Jeffrey was the one who gave my husband, Jon, a chance — he was the one to hire Jon to work at the SF Atlassian office when it was only a handful of people. He saw Jon’s potential and how Jon’s experience in his other jobs would translate to what Atlassian was doing. He was an amazing mentor to Jon, and gave Jon the job of a lifetime.

    He was force behind so many aspects of the Atlassian SF office culture, and someone who really cared about the Atlassian staff.

    Jon and I are so deeply saddened to lose Jeffrey. Words can’t express how much he meant to my husband. He was so much more than a boss — he was a mentor, a friend, a kick-ass musician with a wicked sense of humor, an art collector with great taste, and inspiring person with an amazing lust for life. We will miss you.

  72. I don’t know what to add, except maybe this: the real heroes in this life are the ones who meet the day to day challenges — good and bad — with a calm, steady courage despite the odds of success or failure. Jeffrey was one of those people. His courage in the face of his illness was exemplary, and inspirational. I wish his family and loved ones comfort in their sorrow and joy in their memories.


  73. Pingback: Walker

  74. jamming at the larch st. house party ’67

    little compton get together ’87

    last phone call 07′

    jiffa-jaffa/ the walkers of olney street are gone

    in this life.. jeffrey was ALIVE!

  75. For your unyielding passion and drive, I thank you. Goodbye, friend.

  76. Peace be with you, Jeffrey. I didn’t get a chance to know you well but every time we got together we had fun, laughed a lot, enjoyed good food and wine and laughed some more. You were a true pleasure. Your and Jessie’s wedding is still my favorite wedding thus far. You will be missed. RIP. Love, Janet

  77. Jeffrey, Your truly awesome being lives on through all of us, but still, I miss your presence. I feel so blessed to have known you. Thank you for sharing so much love, fun, and joy in the world.

    Jessy, Brittany and Mac, my sincere condolences to all of you in your loss. I am so sorry to hear this news.

  78. Jeff and I were next-door neighbors in Providence from 1962-1968, twelve to eighteen years old for each of us, important years. He was a great neighbor and great friend, and he is certainly gone way, way too soon. My condolences to all whom he so gently touched, especially to his family. I had been looking forward to sharing some fine second childhood with him in the years to come. Now, I will simply endeavor to pass along some of the goodness and joy he showed to me; this I can do in his memory, for my love of him. Peace.

  79. I was thinking about you this morning (when I was working out on the machines at Alpine, appropriately enough) and that how in some strange way, your cancer may have made you a better person and heightened your enjoyment, appreciation and zest for life these last few years. Like many, you inspired and amazed me in your constant positive outlook–never being bitter about certain bad hands that you might be dealt from time to time and instead focusing on all of the positives (both big and small) that life would throw your way. Jessy, Mac and Britney can all take comfort in knowing that you loved them with all of your heart and that they were truly the greatest joys in your life (no small feat in a life that had many great joys).

    Take care and we’ll see you all soon. In the meantime, we will be hoisting a martini (or two) in your honor (half expecting you to show up at the front door with your own travel shaker and a story about some amazing thing that had happened to you in the last day or two). 🙂

    We’ll miss you bro, but your spirit rocks on.


  80. It simply sux and is not right, but the lingering legacy as shown here already, and likely to blow up this blogs comment limits… is just phenomenal – just by being a “very do right guy” in more ways than one. A true leader.

    Thanks Jeffrey for actively and directly guiding me at the right moments – moments that will never be forgotten. Core.

    Best wishes to Jeffrey’s personal and professional family – days ahead will not be easy with this grief I am sure, but remember that he’d likely rather you not be sad, and instead make him proud.

    Focus on that – He’s already showed you (us) how.

  81. I’m very saddened to hear this, but I was inspired by the approach Jeffrey took to fight this. You will be remembered and missed.

  82. Just about 30 years ago I met a guy in a cool cordueroy suit with a really expensive motorcycle whose name (the bike) I couldn’t pronounce correctly, and started a new career and a friendship at the same time. Through the years we have stayed in touch more or less, based on famlies, jobs, and other crises, but I have always thught of Jeffrey as a good friend, in a way that shared times and experience, even disagreements, kind of make it permanent. Barb and I will miss Jeffrey a lot, and we send our love to his family.

  83. So desperately sad to hear this news of Jeffrey considering the monumental fight he put up. Jessy, wish you and family all the strength in the world.

  84. I met Jeffrey a couple of times in London, and both times was deeply impressed by his outlook, his love for life, and what a pleasure he was to talk to. Sorely missed, he is a loss to the whole world.

  85. Hi Jeffrey,

    Thank you for daring me to live my life larger than I might have without your example and gentle push. I don’t think you intended to suggest change, for you are completely accepting of others, but know that I am much happier because of your affectionate nudges.

    You are the only guy who ever kissed me. Thanks for that.

    Please know that Brittany and Mac can ask me for help or encouragement anytime they like. They are wonderful kids.

    When you have the time, please say hello for me to Jimi, Les, John & George.

    Your friend,


  86. Jeffrey, it was so great to know you and share in the light that you projected into the world.
    The world is suddenly darker without you and I cry for that.
    But you knew and you shared your spark with so many. Those sparks will grow and light our way.
    Thank you.

  87. I desparately need to sing one more song while you play your guitar…please play really loudly where you are, and point the amp in my direction so I can hear and sing along. Love and kisses.

  88. Man am I’m going to miss you. You were one spicy meatball. You were the best.

  89. Jeffery,
    It’s true what they say, only the good die young. You were much too good and much too young. Our common bond was our zest for life and you had that is spades. You were one of the most talented and interesting people I ever met and I am proud that we were friends. Heaven is a better place with you there, I hope they are ready for you. We here have lost a great one. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for being a wonderful person. You set the bar high. God bless you, DAn

  90. Since Jeffrey loved playing the guitar, amongst so many things,I thought it would only be fitting to have another guitarist say the final Good Bye: Only the Good Ones Die Young.  So long, Jeffrey.

  91. Goodbye Jeffrey. Thankyou for being such an inspiring human being

  92. Dear Jeffrey, Jessy, Brittany and Mac,

    Jeffrey was a bright, spunky, passionate and real person. I admire him greatly and it was awesome working with him. Go well, Jeffrey.

    Jessy, Brittany and Mac, all the best to you. The way you guys have handled this difficult period is an inspiration. You are awesome.

  93. Jeffrey’s determination to overcome pain and to fight the cancer was unlike anything I have ever seen, as was his unbelievably positive and candid attitude. Because Mac and my son have been friends since elementary school, Jeffrey and I often discussed Mac and it was a joy to see how Jeffrey beamed with optimism and pride about Mac. Most of my long conversations with Jeffrey were in the last year. He was an amazing guy and it is my loss that I did not know him better and sooner. So many feel a great loss, and this is a tribute to a wonderful person. Heartfelt condolences to Jesse, Brittany, Mac, Peggy and all who will miss Jeffrey.
    Brian, Janice and Chris

  94. Farewell.

    I wish you good fortune on your journey.

  95. I lost a good friend. Jeffrey Walker, musician, artist, family man and President of Atlassian Software Company succumbed to cancer. Jeffrey and i crossed paths well before his current gig. Jeffrey and I worked for the same company for many years. We didn’t really work together and we really didn’t know each other until my last day at that company. We shared hours together at a local bar in Boston, laughing and sharing our lives. Business was never a topic of conversation.

    As the years past we stayed in touch and bigger challenges came our way. Jeffrey and I entered the battle against cancer about the same time.

  96. Jeffrey, you were an inspiration to many. I thank you and I’m happy we met. I hope we meet again in another life. Tonight I raise my grail in your honor.

  97. I read this several years ago and have kept a copy in my wallet ever since.

    it seems appropriate to take it out now and share:

    For Jeffrey:

    Death is nothing at all
    I have only slipped away into the next room
    I am I and you are you
    Whatever we were to each other
    That we are still
    Call me by my old familiar name
    Speak to me in the easy way you always used
    Put no difference into your tone
    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
    Laugh as we always laughed
    At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
    Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
    Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
    Let it be spoken without effort
    Without the ghost of a shadow in it
    Life means all that it ever meant
    It is the same as it ever was
    There is absolute unbroken continuity
    What is death but a negligible accident?
    Why should I be out of mind
    Because I am out of sight?
    I am waiting for you for an interval
    Somewhere very near
    Just around the corner
    All is well.
    Nothing is past; nothing is lost
    One brief moment and all will be as it was before
    How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

  98. Jeffrey,

    Thanks for the laughs, memories, inspiration…and best damn rendition of Gimme Shelter ever played.

    Rest peacefully.

    Six Strings Down/Jimmy Vaughan
    [Silicon] Valley
    In the middle of the night
    Six strings down
    On the heaven-bound flight
    Got a pick, a strap, guitar on his back
    Ain’t gonna cut the angels no slack
    Heaven done called
    Another blues-stringer back home.

    Rest peacefully.

  99. Jeffery, You have been a wonderful friend over the years. Always ready for fun, laughs, and to discuss the more serious aspects of life (and death). You have been and continue to be a profound inspiration to many people. You’ve shown tremendous courage in the face of such adversity, suffering and difficulties. You truly embody the concept of “warrior”……….. to so many people, you are a HERO!!! You are amazing with your ability to absorb the “punches” while making people around you comfortable with your condition, giving assurances you will be OK, fighting through the pain and side affects, and providing inspiration and hope to others. I have never seen anybody who embodies the strength of the human spirit as you do. Jeffrey, please know that we are with you, love you, and continue to pray for you. God Bless!

  100. Goodbye Jeffrey; you were a larger than life character and it’s hard to believe you’re gone. I’ll have a Martini in your memory.

    My thoughts are with Jesse and the rest of his family.

  101. Jessy, Brittany and Mac,

    I just want you to know how proud we all are of you. You have all stayed so strong, when it would have been so easy to curl up in a corner and pretend its not happening. I was so afraid to write this email, and I can’t image how much more difficult it is for you to read them. I love you all and miss you more than you realize. I think about you guys every day and I wish so much that I could be there where my parents are there. Be strong. And know that even though we may not have seen each other in a long time, I love you very much.


    You wonderful man you! You were my first, and will always be my favorite, “Music-weenie”. I mean, I always say that your wedding was the best concert I’ve ever been to! It is very much because of you that both Spencer and I are chasing after this crazy life in music (It’s a blessing…. AND a curse)! Every time I pass the Berklee buildings I think about you and your fabulous thick black hair strutting around Mass. Ave. I can only dream of understanding music as well as you, but I will strive for that every day.
    I know I haven’t seen you guys since I left CA, but that’s what they invented FaceBook for!! You betchyer cute little bald head I’ve been FB stalking your whole family and keeping myself caught up! Mac and Brittany are growing up to be pretty amazing people, and I want them to know that I always have a big comfy couch if they ever want to come to Boston! You should be so proud.
    And Jessy has been so strong and done such a great job making sure that everyone knows what is happening and when (thanks again, Facebook). You found yourself a pretty great girl there, but I’m sure you know that. I was so honored when you guys asked me to sing at your wedding, but to be honest, what I remember most was being scared shitless to perform with people who actually know what they are doing! But one thing that I always felt you had great understanding of was this: In the end, Who gives a shit? Do what you LOVE!
    But to be serious now. I am so glad that I got to grow up knowing your amazing family. And as hard as this is for every one, the chance to get to say how good-bye is immeasurable.
    I love you Jeffrey. You have had more of an impact on my life, and the person I have become, than I think you are aware of.
    Sometimes, I use too many words, and I end up just jumbling the feelings and then we all leave frustrated and slightly confused. So I will finish . with what I really need to say:
    Thank you. I Love you. Good-bye.


  102. I feel privileged that I got to meet you in this life Jeffrey. Thank you for being an inspiration to us all. Goodbye my friend.

  103. Jeffrey faced the last frontier, the undiscovered country, with the same humor, passion, and reverence he approached the rest of life. We’re all better off for having the chance to know him, and a little more lonely tonight.

    All my best to his family and his close friends. You do not grieve alone, and I hope you can remember in the days ahead the pride you must feel at having known him so well.

  104. Jeffrey,

    I won’t forget when we met – you had an amazing energy and a great passion for everything you did.

    Thank you for being so inspiring to so many people!

  105. Jeffrey, I feel honoured to have known you. Thankyou for providing inspiration not just in how you do business but in how you do life. xox

  106. Jessy, Brittany and Mac – I’ve seen a number of relatives, friends and colleagues take on the cancer battle – some older, some much younger – but I’ve never seen anyone step up to the fight with the unswerving determination and incredibly positive energy the way Jeffrey did. He inspired many of us by sharing his story. You must be very proud of him.

  107. Farewell dear man. You had such a ferocious strength that I had started to think you immortal; although not in body, you are in spirit and I will always remember you — your gravitas, determination, palpable presence and extraordinary courage.

    My thoughts are of and with you Jessy, Brittany and Mac.

  108. Farewell. A big loss to see one of the good guys go.

  109. Thanks Jeffrey. Your spirit and zest for life has been an inspiration for so many, and I’ll never forget our talks and your influence in my life and career. Your energy fills the room, now as much as ever.

    Thanks for the posts everyone. After a day of being numb I just allowed tears when reading through. It’s awesome to feel the love.

  110. Farewell Jeffrey. I first talked with you when you left a nice comment on my blog and ever since you have inspired me.

  111. We never met – still I feel a big void.

    My deepest sympathies to his loved ones.

  112. Jeffrey, my thoughts are with you.

    You are absolutely amazing — so true to your heart and everyone around you. Your belief in each of us changed our lives. Thank you. I feel blessed to know you. Keep rocking!

    Jessy, Brittany, and Mac – My thoughts are also with you.


  113. Jeffrey,
    We are so sorry to see you go! We are definitely thinking of you now as we raise a glass and remember your silly grin.
    Jessy, Brittany and Mac, We hope you are holding up ok… Jess, hope to see you again soon.
    All our love, Tammy and Bart

  114. That hurt … very sad to hear Jeffery has moved on. Sympathies to the family, and to his mates at Atlassian and elsewhere.

    I must have felt something when I decided to wear my “Occasionals” t-shirt today …

  115. Bloody hell.
    Jeffrey lived next door to me for while..when he started to paint he would bring his paints and martinis in thevening and park himself out in the field and paint Windy Hill. He was thrilled to find this color in his life. I encouraged him. The other day I was out in the garage looking for something in my “box” and there was one of his paintings which he gave me . I will get it to you Jessy, Mac and Brit. As you know we have been down this road. It’s tough. Love to all of you. Danna

  116. Pingback: Farewell to a Friend : every108minutes

  117. To the Master Life Teacher Extraordinaire,

    My boss, mentor, teacher, best friend, musician and the single coolest guy that I’ve ever been privileged to share life with – I solute you Jeffrey Walker and I thank you for the opportunity to build companies together since CSC Partners days to present day Atlassian. Your incredible passion for everything, will last me a lifetime over. My Brother, I pray for you and your family at this juncture of everyone’s life journey. I love you with all my heart and until we see each other again, stay amazing. By the way, now that I have to recite Monty Python lines for the both of us I thought it only fitting to tell you that your lines still get the biggest laughs. As always, it’s your delivery!

    Nancy C.

  118. I remember sitting in a seedy dive bar with Jeffrey disagreeing so very strongly about something or other about work. But as we disagreed more and more, we got closer and closer, and ordered even more drinks. Slowly we drifted away from talking about work to talking about the bar, and then SF, and then music, and then finally we spoke for hours about life.

    A conversation with Jeffrey was always like that, you ended up enjoying yourself no matter how you started it out, and you ended up talking about life no matter what the initial narrow topic was.

    He was an enjoyable, joyful human being.

  119. We were supposed to get together for lunch a few weeks ago and it didn’t come together. I think I now know why. You are such a great person – it’s amazing to compare you to others we know who simply are not. Ride, Captain, Ride.

  120. Farewell, Jeffrey. I had the chance to meet you just once. You and what you did and said made for a better world.

  121. I never thought I would comment on your blog for the first time after you had passed away.

    I never had a chance to meet you, but having followed you for so long on the blog and through common friends, I am still speechless and feeling what a big loss this is. You were an inspiration for all of us!
    Thank you for everything

  122. Words fail me.

    Sincerest condolences to all Jeffrey’s family and friends.

  123. Pingback: James Governor’s Monkchips » Goodbye Jeffrey

  124. Radiowalker, Radiowalker, this is ground control, over….
    Radiowalker, this is ground control, do you read me, over….
    Radiowalker, this is ground control. Will proceed on the assumption you can hear but not respond…
    Radiowalker, All systems are go… for command module orbit of Sirius aka Dog Star at 8.6 light years from satellite Earth. Booster fire at 0400 has positioned you for successful mission. Your separation from Earth’s gravitational field and subsequent loss of radio contact has caused many here at control distress. They knew the mission was dangerous and that you were unlikely to return. They just didn’t expect to lose contact so quickly. Know that they all send their best.
    Radiowalker, if you can still hear me…. It was a pleasure being your wingman back in flight school. You were meant to lead and lead you did. All of us in school with you were better for it.
    Radiowalker, this is ground control. Bon voyage, my friend, Ground control out…

  125. Jeffery and family, man that man had some fight in him, he worked out with fury and loved life to the bitter end, we will always remember him and his great smile and meaning full laughter. We will all see him i hope some day , the man upstairs now ,gets to enjoy his company, RIP MAN, we love you. THE PIERCES!!!

  126. From the long list of comments, we can know Jeffrey made a difference and wonderful memories to a lot of people in his journey.

    My heartfelt condolences to the family

  127. Felicia Snow
    Last night I lost a friend. I’ve never had a friend die. It makes me feel hollow and sad, but yet, I know he wouldn’t want me to be sad. His m.o. in life was to enjoy every moment to the fullest, no time for moping or feeling sorry for yourself. His approach to cancer was that way. No matter what they operated on, no matter how toxic the treatment … Read Morewas, no matter how shitty he felt, he always made the best of it. He made everyone around him feel good, even if he wasn’t. RIP Jeffrey Walker, age 59. A little piece of you will always stay with us. Love you man, your music of life will always play in our heads.

  128. Kataneh Sarvian Friberg

    What a great loss. Jeffrey was a true inspiration to many. Deepest condolences to the entire family.

  129. I was completely incoherent yesterday, couldn’t write or talk about Jeffrey without losing it. But I have a few more things to write that I couldn’t yesterday (even with martini in hand).

    Jeffrey didn’t create divisions between personal and professional. It was all personal. There was never any bullshit, he was honest to the core no matter who he was speaking to. Every day, he had more heart and more passion than the day before. He was a mentor in business and life. We’re gonna miss you, dude.

  130. I had hoped to meet you again Jeffery. But alas now you’ve gone. I’m so saddened to hear of your passing. You were such a brave and strong man.

    Thank you for your kindness and sharing so much with us all. You were a bright light. Now you will be very dearly missed. My thoughts are with your family and friends.

    You lived strong for us all Cancer dude!!

  131. The community who cares about technology and people has lost someone who led through ideas, action, and delightful personality. We will miss him terribly.
    Thanks, Jeff, for always being welcoming, kind, and enthusiastic. All three qualities are in even shorter supply without you now.

  132. I met him, just one time in Paris, and he appeared to me as good boss. Atlassian lost a great partner.
    Deepest condolences to the entire family.

  133. My thoughts and prayers are with Jeffrey and his family. Despite having met with him just a handful of times, he was one of the very few to make a dent in my life, for the better. I’m sure he’s still kicking ass, as usual.

    Goodbye Jeffrey. You won’t be forgotten.

  134. Thanks for sharing with us……l

  135. wow!
    this site is really awesome

  136. Pingback: So-long Cancer Dude « Nickpoint

  137. I have known Jeffrey since 1967, when we were students at Classical High School in Providence, Rhode Island, where our mutual, coordinated efforts drove our parents and teachers to despair. We have been best friends ever since. Here are a few vignettes from our life together:

    The insane 115 mph ride (in the rain) in Al Owen’s Olds 442. Jeff’s red Saab 2-stroke station wagon painted with flowers and peace symbols going over the Mount Hope Bridge at 1:30 in the morning. Newport Jazz Festival. Blue Ford Pinto we crashed in the Sonora desert. The burning outhouse next to our campsite at Laconia Raceway in New Hampshire. (No, we did not set the fire.) Fishing for pike in northern Quebec and bluefish in Narragansett Bay and snook and tarpon in Central America. We’ve travelled together from James’ Bay to Belize and drove the insane Western Highway together in 1980. Curfew and riots in Belize City, and soldiers with guns at the Guatemala border were mad at us. Oh, yeah, two marriages apiece. Shared an occasional drink or two (if we ever meet, ask me why Jeff did not—actually could not—drink tequila for 25 years.) We both moved to California in ’88, pretended to grow up, raised our kids—one summer of Sundays at Sunset Beach with the Times and Jeff digging huge holes in the sand for the kids (was it a plastic martini glass he was using?) with that maniacal, fixed expression he could have, tongue out and wrapped around his upper lift, little panting grunts of concentrated effort escaping him as he approached his goal of the perfect hole in the sand—you can be sure he had it all planned out. I was so happy to see him take up drawing again. He would make these terrifically funny Crumb-like cartoons when we were in high school. Last trip to Amsterdam, Jeff sketching in De Jaren café as the sun is going down, while we decide where we are going to eat. It becomes a cold Dutch night. Jeff’s back hurts. It’s windy. I’m cold.

    So, you see, Jeff and I have a few years and a few miles shared between us. And all along the way we laughed and ate and smoked and talked and drank sometimes fell down and argued and cooked and listened to music and got exasperated with each other and ignored each other and gave each other advice and felt bad about each other and loved each other and did I guess most all of the things that best friends do.

    And we had a FUCK of a good time doing it.

    Oh, Jeff, my brother, there is a hole in my heart. I shall miss you so.

  138. “Serious fun” is how he described what he did…I was grateful he explained what that meant in a guest blog .

    Radiowalker, you masked the seriousness in your life here – hope you have nothing but fun on your journey!

  139. Jeffrey –

    It was an absolute blast to get to know you and truly a privilege to have become friends. I would always marvel about how you could possibly have attended the Newport Folk Festival when Dylan went unplugged in person. I never tired of hearing you shred on your guitar playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers. We had fun. I even think you secretly liked the Widespread Panic show I dragged you to in Oakland a couple of years ago. Thanks for teaching me how to make a killer Bearnaise sauce, and for helping me understand the nuanced virtues of various hot sauces that you’d dump on the food I cooked for you (seriously, I wasn’t that hurt). Thank you for caring about my sons, and tolerating them and humoring them when they would descend on your home. You truly earned “Uncle Jeffrey” status. Thank you for supporting me during my Yelp stint, and writing some of the funniest reviews I ever read.

    The British Bankers Club review is a classic (and a spec poignant).

    You are an original. And, I miss you already. I look forward to seeing you again, but hopefully not anytime real soon.

  140. I first met Jeffrey in September, 1971 at the Burgess Hall dormitory at the University of Oregon. Luck and fate brought us together in the same dorm and floor, made up mostly of 2nd year transfer students. Jeff was instantly engaging, wildly funny (enough to make you piss yourself) and a creative anarchist with tremendous vision and a method to his madness. Our bunch of goofballs (the “Burgess Brotherhood”) naturally gravitated towards him. I am very pleased to know that his unique, joyful approach to life never really changed and was even enhanced by his success and all the lives he touched.

    Deepest sympathy to Jessy, Brittany and Mac.

    Jeffrey, rest in peace. You are no longer in pain. I’ll end this the way we liked to end our communications: Piece of shit.

  141. To a natural guitarist who felt music as much as he heard it. We didn’t get the chance to get that last jam in. Save a spot for me in your new band and I’ll miss you till I see you then.

    Jessy, Please let Kris or I know if we may be of help in any way. Our thoughts are with you and the family.

  142. Such a good, good man…

    In the 15+ years since meeting Jeffrey, I just haven’t met that many men of his caliber… not in business and certainly not in consulting where I first met him.

    Thank you for the inspiration.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you Jeffrey, and your family.

  143. I'll Bite Your Legs Off!

    Jeffrey, whenever something went back asswards you always said “this bites.” Well, you’re not kidding this little stunt this week my Friend Really Bites. To be perfectly honest it completely 100% uninterrupted by any commercials, bad marketing, unavoidable glitches, absolutely, positively, without question, pause, hesitation, zero doubt, seriously speaking Really, Really, Really Bites. Just want to say I love you for teaching me the double knot on the water balloons at the summer outing – we totally kicked ass. Screw water pistols – we took ‘em down. Never had so much fun almost tipping a golf cart going down the hill sideways in the rain – never laughed so hard covering our stupid white golf shoes entirely in mud and getting completely drenched playing a game I totally suck at – what a perfect day at the office! I still think the Dude from the Blue’s Band we hired from Oakland to perform at the Christmas party who played the trumpet while lying on his stomach with a full-pitcher of water on his head was very hip. A quick shout out to Peggy – thanks for teaching me how to hold a tennis racket properly. Crap my entire life could have been a train wreck without you guys. I’m reminded of the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail – the Black Knight fighting King Arthur after he lost both arms and legs in a sword fight his torso is on the ground– the Black Knight speaks, “O.K. then, we’ll call it a draw.” King Arthur to his man horse Patsy banging two coconuts together to sound like a real horse: “Come Patsy,” he turns to leave. The Black Knight: “Oh I see running away, you yellow Bastard come back here and take what’s coming to you – I’ll bite your leg’s off.” So Jeffrey, not only will I bite your legs off you yellow Bastard, but I will drown your ass with water balloons the next time I see you. I love you, but THIS BITES!!


  144. Gutted. Jeffrey was a great bloke and I think it’s safe to say he inspired everyone he ever met with his positive attitude to, well, everything.

  145. I only hope I can find a fraction of this courage and grace.

  146. I am so very sorry to hear of Jeffrey’s passing. While I never had the honor of meeting him in person, we had many an IM exchange and an occassional phone conversation, especially while my son Michael was fighting his own fight with cancer. Jeffrey sent me a framed print of his famed painting which proudly adorns the wall of the room in our house that honors Michael. Jeffrey’s optimism and perspective no doubt helped us through some very tough times.

    My family’s thoughts and prayers go out to all of Jeffrey’s family and friends. Michael: Take care of him…

  147. Jeffrey – I have been thinking of you too – and marveling at how beautifully you lived these last years of your life. You showed us all something important about how to live and how to let go. I so enjoyed your great openness to new ideas and reading – it was as though your mind just expanded and expanded beyond a normal bound. You showed us what it means to be open to our own capacities. I will miss your humor and your positive approach to challenge. You were a true role model and gift to all.
    Love, and see you soon enough.
    Eileen and family.
    Kids – you were lucky to have such a Dad.

  148. dear jeffrey…you were a wild boy who grew up to be a man with a great heart.

    We were friends – peter harris, george kiberd, ralph lynch, buz blackledge, pat lofredo, penn pfautz, peter millman, carol emilia, alison cornwell, may tow, etc. – at classical high school… part of an eclectic crew: agnostic, quaker, jewish, catholic, wasp, white, black, chinese, italian. Protested against the VietNam war, marching from school to demonstrations as rhode island high school students for peace. Protested against meaningless high school in our underground newsrag “Amendment One.”

    Wild times at Olney Street with the wednesday afternoon club. Who could forget your mom’s gravelly voice: ” jeffrey! lucky threw up!”

    We all smoked pot and played like puppies, rolling down the hills behind the moses brown school. Crammed in Ralph’s secret car (he was only 15), cut school to party in Little Compton. Saw Jimi Hendrix and Paul Butterfield and Velvet Underground…….lucky to be in providence with great music at Brown and RISD.

    You were a good friend to me in Boston, when we were in our 20’s. thank you always. Yeah, you told a lot of embarrassing stories last september when we had our laughing and crying gathering with (binnie and steve macarthur) to remember buz.

    We were out of touch for a long time, when you called me – after beating the reaper a few years ago – to talk about your new passion for drawing, your great love for your kids and your beautiful partner jessy.

    You and Jessy came to the 40th classical high reunion. How could someone be so wild and so solid simultaneously?

    Jeffrey, you were brilliant at your work, gifted in music, writing, and art, but you have captured our hearts because you lived and breathed: “all you need is love, love. Love is all you need.”

    I will not forget you. I am so thankful I could be with you and Jessy and Mac and Brittany last week at the Stanford Medical Center. If there is anything I can do……..

    from Maulana Rumi:

    “I died as mineral and became a plant,
    I died as plant and rose to animal,
    I died as animal and I was a man.
    Why should I fear ? when was I less by dying ?”

    love always,

  149. Dad,

    It pains me right now to think that you lost to this disease. We all know what an amazingly strong man you were. I told you the other day that if I even become half the man that you were I would consider it a success. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Every joint in my body is begging me to do something spectacular to compensate the loss. There is nothing I can do though. Your legacy is indelible. You taught me so much even when your life was being threatened.

    When I spent the night in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, I felt so lucky to have you. We stayed up talking and you provided me with damn good advice about my life. I know you never wanted to talk about the “what ifs” because that would be admitting defeat- AND YOU NEVER GAVE UP. But that night we connected and you spoke to me with such power for the future.

    My keyboard is wet right now and I miss you so much. I don’t even know how to express my love for you anymore because its so fucking immense.

    I will never lose that letter I wrote you. I am gonna try real hard to be like you. real fucking hard. I am gonna try to remain strong and somehow look at this as an opportunity, as you would do.

    I am gonna keep you in my heart forever. I am gonna call on you for advice again. I know you will answer.

    peace, love, inner bliss….

    ill talk to you real soon

    -your only son

    • Oh Mac.
      Take good, good care. It is good to feel it. Reach out to our family if you need us. We can talk and cry and hug. Talking to your Dad will give you comfort. It’s important. We’re here. Danna

  150. I’ve been checking and reading all the comments on this page since it first appeared, and have been touched by the amount and depth of the reactions and stories that have been shared to honor Jeffrey’s memory.

    So I thought I’d try a little experiment and made a word cloud from the text on this page. Thought I’d share it as it gives a nice bird’s eye view of what everyone has said.


  151. Jeffrey,

    I never met you personally but felt your zest for life through Jessy who loves you dearly and who you loved equally. You have found your peace, and I hope she can find hers. Judging from the comments that show the incredible generosity of your spirit, there are lots of friends taking care of you right now.

  152. Jeffrey –
    You were a man with a great heart and spirit, and will be deeply missed. I appreciated the enthusiasm you brought to everything you worked on and discussed. My best wishes and condolences to your family.

    Rich Wong

  153. Jeff, you will be missed a lot

  154. What a guy. What shitty news. So many will miss Jeffrey, but a mark he did make.

    See you in a while my friend….

  155. The beauty of a life well-lived is that’s it’s never forgotten. Here’s to the life and light that Jeffrey brought to all whom he knew and touched.

    Condolences Jessy, Brittany, & Mac, J.

  156. I checked my last post and realized that the link is not working so I want to pass along the link to so everyone can read the tribute to Jeffrey.

  157. in my 39 years of roofing, i have had men i work with die and countless others crippled for life.still others,ravaged by drugs and alcohol, took their own lives or assaulted the summer when the shirts come off it is not the tatoos that are compared;rather,it is the stab wounds in the backs from their time in jail or this enviromenti have learned not to feeland when no more help can be given, to climb back on the roof.but when the news of jeffrey’s death came to me… i could not.. i went home.. since i have not had a drink in 24 years i chose to honor jeffrey’s love of good coffee. i made myself a cup.then i sat in my garden in tears.

    i do not travel.i will not be at the memorial.but in the light of the posts above by friends from long ago linda cohen and peter harris i would like to speak of the jeffrey i knew.i hope to shed light on some of the pictures in jeffrey’s photo streamand to deepen the appreciation of how farjeffrey traveled in his journey for those who only knew him as an adult.

    for six years jeffrey and i were a constant in each others lives. we went to moses brown together 7th and 8th grade and classical high for 4 years. james and steve and ralph were there early on.. but steve moved to portland, james went to mount hermon, ralph to hope.peter and peter came later.

    moses brown in the 60’s was an all male coat and tie school for the old money providence elite. what the olney street gang was doing there at all was a twist of fate. ralph’s mother had remarried and moved around the corner.then my father drove through a blizzard to put a down payment on the delapidated house at the top of the hill.the walkers came to town with jeffrey’s father being the head of the ams.then steve completed the gang when his fatherbecame headmaster at moses brown and moved into the headmasters house down the street.across the street was the empty lot of the quaker meeting house where we played and played.. looming beyond was moses brown school.

    jeffrey and i were quite a pair in 7th and 8th grade. i was the fat kid in class and jeffrey was the wheezing drooling kid with asthma constantly hitting his inhaler. we persevered.the picture of george and jeffrey pawtucket 67 has a deeper meaning.we had both come along way in a short time.

    the olney st. gang did not fit at mobrown. jeffrey was there to bear witness with me when steve and ralph roared through the buttoned down world of study hall like a tornado dressed in black and leather.

    jeffrey bore witness to darker tornados.rhode island in the 60’s was still a catholic state. women could not get a divorce unless her husband beat her. a father could beat his children. the police were not called;instead,people fled to friends day my father roared up the staircase at olney street and beat my brother. later , as jeffrey and i sat in the study hall at moses brown with the entire 7th and 8th grade, my brother wandered in almost unrecognizable from the beating and sat down at his desk. jeffrey knew this about me and his lifelong friend my brother james.

    an aside. in our early teens we would riff with names. james would become j/b.,jim,jimmy, jimbo,jimmy- moo… but jeffrey(jiffa/jaffa) would not play that game with my brother’s name .first and last it was always JAMES.

    before pot , alcohol was it.there is a story behind the picture of jeffrey in the liquor store, pictures taken by my brother.when jeffrey was 15, somehow he got a canadian i/d saying he was 21. he became the designated buyer,coming out of the store with bags full of different size containers. the picture of jeffrey looking through the shelves with the owner says it all.. except we sat in the car checking the shopping list one evening, a red saab pulled in behind us”’ isn’t that your mother jeffrey?!!!” he ducked down and after she went in the store we ghosted around the corner laughing our guts out.

    one spring day we skipped school and went to the beach.. emboldened by the alcohol jeffrey had provided, i walked down the beach to talk to a petite chinese girl in my class. all she said was ” go away!” i persevered.43 years later may tow and i are still together.

    pot.. the first time was when jeffrey handed me a joint. later in ’87, the last time i saw my wife take a toke was when jeffrey handed her a joint while she was breast feeding. i worried needlessly. that baby just graduated from MIT and more than any person i know on this earth honors jeffrey’s positive attitude and his love of life.

    again, in the 60’s, rhode island was a catholic state.birth control was hard for a married woman to obtain, impossible for a single woman abnd the panoply of condoms on your local drugstore wall did not had to walk up to the counter and ask and more often than not the answer was no.being sexual was a dangerous game and jeffrey and i saw together the heartache when the game was lost on more than one ocassion.

    i was not with jeffrey in newport when dylan went electric..but later that fall dylan returned to play at the old rhode island red hockey rink. jeffrey said we HAD to go.. so we went. dylan ended the acoustic set with ”desolation row”accompanied by a second guitar. i remember the ecstacy on jeffrey’s face.. years later when my eldest daughter worked with me for four months to pay for her 3 months in india and nepal, we would pull away from the jobsite with desolation row the time the song ended she woul be passed out from exhaustion. each time i hear the song i see them both.

    jeffrey had the kiberd brothers pegged.. he knew it.. and he never passed up a chance to have a good laugh i laughed too because he was right.. he said” you kiberd brothers are so KIBERD! you have the ability to convince people that what ever you are interested in at that moment is the most important thing in the world and that we should be interested too.”
    i could write on and on.. the tuesday morning walks to classical.. the marathon games of risk and floor hockeythat always ended in fights(but we would be back at it the next day)..the afternoons spent in the pool halls of providence.. the police raid that ended when the detective leading the raid mouthed the words ”wrong house” just as the door was about to be broken down…

    i will end with our senior year we acted in a play together.. as performance neared, i thought it was important to get into character by being hungry.. really hungry.. because constant hunger was the context of the play.. jeffrey would arrive with armloads of food and drink enjoying himself.. when i protested jeffrey laughed and said” but george, it’s just a play!”

    now you are gone my friend..

  158. George,

    great words. I never got to meet you, but your brother James is great dude. And my dad always spoke about those days (minus the pot and alc) 🙂

    but he will be with you forever, and the rest of us.


  159. Jeffrey, so sorry to hear. I only met you a few times… but one of those times I got some great photos of you doing what you love at the Relay for Life in 2007 … The Cancer Dude in fine form for all your many friends:

    Jeffrey Walker
  160. I met Jeffrey in Paris last year and found a very interesting, humble and great person.
    Thanks to him for the energy he gave to Atlassian and the gentleman he was.

  161. Pingback: Rest in piece, our president « Fruit Flies Like a Banana

  162. Jeffrey…I was shocked to hear the news and wish your family the best in this very difficult time. You will truly be missed….

  163. It’s pulling me down to hear this – at times catching up on “industry news” after some days off is no fun at all.

    Thank you for all the energy and your ongoing care and belief in this noble cause we call wikis (= software to improve our fellow humans work lifes).

  164. Dear Daddy,

    When I was a little girl, I was completely obsessed with who you were as a person. I used to spend hours rifling through your music room looking for scraps of your existence. Every record, picture, guitar pick, yearbook, or dirty old t-shirt was another clue to how you came to be in this world. I remember when you gave me my first CD, Nirvana “Nevermind,” in the third grade and I thought I was so cool. When you went out of town, I would to spray your cologne around the house because I wanted to be near you. When you’d return, I’d run screaming into your arms. You used to say “hug me til it hurts,” and I’d try to squeeze you as hard as possible. My favorite days of the week were when you took me on all of your errands. I felt like I was part of an exclusive club when I was with you. Looking back, I don’t know why a seven-year-old would care so much about Guitar Center or K&L, but I loved it because you did. It was us against the world.

    I remember when we sunk your 4-runner in the mud off-roading for Christmas trees. Or when we took the drawing class one summer in Palo Alto. We sang at the top of our lungs to Pearl Jam on road-trips. My favorite trip was to Paris and Germany, just the two of us. I loved hearing your stories of traveling the world and getting into trouble. I will always remember our infamous camping trips. You would pack and prepare the most gourmet meals— wine and steaks. I particularly won’t forget the time at Lett’s Lake when you threw me off the boat in the middle of the lake and paddled away, cackling all the way to shore. You never failed to amuse me.

    You used to call me “JJ” for Jeffrey Junior, and your incredible influence certainly made me worthy of the nickname. You sparked my passion for extraordinary food and shared all your culinary secrets from over the years. Don’t worry, your meatballs are safe with me. You instilled my obsession with the New York Times crosswords and I looked forward to sitting in silence with you every Sunday morning to do them. You taught me it was ok to be a control freak. You forced me to go to R-rated movies when I was way too young and said it was “good for me.” You taught me the value of a good pillow. We used to have pillow fights, literally, stealing each other’s squishy pillows. You taught me to drive with my knees while talking on the phone and eating a sandwich. You taught me the piano, you taught me how to write from the heart, and you taught me what was truly important in life.

    I know you would agree with me when I say you were the funniest person on Earth. You could make me laugh until my stomach hurt and I couldn’t breathe. We could just glance at each other without saying a word and burst into laughter. You had the most infectious laugh. We shared the same sick humor that was usually inappropriate or foreign to outsiders. When you walked in to a room, you brought overwhelming light into it—all attention shifted to you and people’s moods instantly brightened. You were incredibly intuitive and knew how to make everyone smile. I will miss your smile most of all. That irresistible smile and your huge, suffocating bear hugs could ease any pain I had in a heartbeat.

    You saw something in me that no one else saw, including myself. You believed in me when no one else did. You taught me to create my own path in life and not to listen to cynics. You showed me how to love myself for who I am, and never to let anyone bring me down. You saw something in me that was worth devoting time and energy to, and you never gave up. You told me I could do anything I wanted in life, and you would support me every step of the way. I walk stronger knowing you are always behind me.

    When you first told me you had cancer, you smiled after and said “I’ll be OK, I promise.” I believed your promises. You were so strong. You were my superhero. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have a father who told me every day that he loved me.

    The last time you told me you loved me you said, “I love you huge incredible hard-to-quantify amounts.” I can’t think of anything more I’d rather say to you now.

  165. It`s so sad to hear that Jeffrey has moved on. Our prayers is with you.

  166. I’m very sad to hear of the passing of Jeffrey, I worked with him for a while and he is an amazing person, full of energy, drive, enthusiasm. I recall a corporate holiday party when he took the stage with the band. The band had a stunned look , who is this guy stepping up… Then, when he played, they had a stunned look, wow, this guy really can play. And, Jeffrey’s look was one of pure happiness and joy! Wow, what a person.

  167. Trish Moylan Davis

    I had the great pleasure of working for Jeffery at ICPlanet as his Dir of HR, for 9 months. When he interviewed me and discovered that I was currently working for a really sucky company, he said “We’ve gotta get you outa there!” I didn’t even know the guy and he was already looking out for me.
    I loved working for Jeffery. He loved his job. It was a roller coaster of a company.
    We had a leadership retreat out in a tiny town in Point Reyes. We had the most fabulous dinner with way too much wine. As it was wrapping up, the group was all a giggle about hot tubing…As the group staggered back to our Inn, Jeffery caught up with me and said, “Trish, just make sure no one gets naked!”
    Looking back on my career, there are a handful of people that have inspired me. Jeffery was one. He knew how to work hard and have fun doing it. He was loyal. He was practical and he took risks. He was protective. He was the best damn reference that I had.
    Jessy, I am sorry that I missed the service. Had I found out before today…I would have been there. I am so sorry for your loss. Jeffery loved you so very much and was like a giggly school girl when he told me you guys were a couple. You made him so very happy.

  168. Justice Holmes reputedly said of Roosevelt that he may have had a second class intellect but he had a first class temperament. And even though Jeffrey was first class in both departments, it’s his first class temperament that I remember best.
    I met Jeffrey when I was a pretty much crazed and miserable high school student in Providence RI. I more or less took Jeffrey as a spiritual mentor and that probably saved me from becoming a revolutionary terrorist.
    Life with Jeffrey was just too much fun.
    Not that we didn’t do some crazy things…
    Like dropping STP on my birthday and staying up all night walking around the state capitol and then sitting in the front row at Cinerama to see 2001 the next day.
    Or the mescaline that turned out to be belladonna. After that craziness Jeff’s mom thought I was the one who turned him on.
    Small wonder I always thought of Jeffrey as indestructible.
    Jeffrey turned me on to lots of other things, especially music. I was (and am) a total non-musician but hanging with Jeffrey really made music central for me even if it was only as an innocent bystander.
    Jeffrey was, of course, drop dead funny and could make you laugh no matter what.
    I was glad to hear that he kept drawing. He had a habit of decorating the walls of the some of places we hung out with his cartoons, and one of the saddest parts about parting with my parents’ house was the loss of the drawings Jeff had done in my attic space.

    I was never much for martinis but when I saw the post about Jeffrey’s passing I went home and mixed one up. And it was great. Thanks again, Jeff; you always were the best of guides and I only wish I’d paid more attention.

    Somewhere I hear him laughing.

  169. Dear Jessy, Brittany and Mac:

    You probably don’t know me, but I’m an old friend of Hayward Blackledge’s and hadn’t seen Jeffrey in a long time until last year at Hayward’s funeral where he so lovingly eulogized him.

    Today I had the urge to log onto Jeffrey’s blog to see how he was doing and found Jessy’s “Goodbye Jeffrey” note. I was shocked and saddened to hear that he had passed away. Putting it that way sounds too anemic to apply to Jeffrey because he had such a gigantic personality. His loss has left a huge crater in the hearts and souls of family and friends and the planet in general. I know of no one who loved life as much as he did and who fought harder to live than he did, and he did it with such grace. Now he belongs to the universe. I’m very sorry for your loss.

    I hope he and Hayward are somewhere jammin’ together!! May his philosophy of life live on in you and all of us. In his honor, I may even grow to like Martini’s.

    Peace to all,
    Ruth Band

  170. Pingback: Talk about a day of ups and downs. Jeffe… |

  171. Pingback: Talk about a day of ups and downs. Jeffe…

  172. Brittany and Mac,

    We just found out about your dad, and we are so sorry for your loss. When you guys moved from Shirlynn Court, we missed keeping in touch with you, and now wish that we had. Jeffery was very special to us, and we will remember him with joy.

    God bless,
    Sabra, Wayne, Laura (Kristin) and Steven Dexter
    Los Altos, CA

  173. i’m really so sorry to hear about your dad. i met him when he was first at atlassian…i wanted a job there, but they had already filled the position. yet, he and i would still talk – he’d ask for my advice on some things, even though he knew far more than i did. but those conversations were great…and i’ll miss them.

    over the course of time, i saw your dad interact with so many people – CEOs, ultra-cerebral techies, journalists, baristas, etc, and he never postured or affected a different personality to fit the situation. he was just himself. and by god he was fun to watch – he would just light up, and his hands would start moving, and stuff would fly out of his mouth, and pretty soon there was a crowd around him. they just don’t make them like your father anymore. the world was richer because of him.

    there’s a poem by kipling called “if”. so much of your father seems to be described in it (…here’s an excerpt:

    “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings–nor lose the common touch,
    …Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it…”

    you had a great guy for a dad. thanks for sharing him with us.


  174. I still grieve for that remarkable Jeffrey.
    it helps to post here.

  175. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I could write more effectively, more than just that his work was worthwhile, and that it lives on… but perhaps that’s all one can hope for with the love of family.

  176. I didnt visit his blog for a while now here I am checking back after a few months.
    May he rest in peace.

  177. Hi Jeffrey, it’s been awhile, I know.

    Today is your birthday and something tells me it was stellar!

    What did you do? Man I wish you could tell me.

    My life has been an interesting one since you and I met last. Let’s see, where to begin…

    1) My grandmother died shortly after you. She, like you, had a wonderful life of friends and family

    2) I continue to see the world. Went to one of your spots, Puerto Vallarta, with 9 friends and had a freakin’ blast! Met an 81 year old lady from Scotland whose dad moved the family from Scotland to Mexico when she was 3. She met her husband when she was 17 and they married when she was 18. She has a great collection of art that she and her husband have collected through their 60+ years of marriage. Don’t you just love randomly meeting those awesome people in the world?

    3) Atlassian is still growing by leaps and bounds, you would be so proud!

    4) I had a really good browny that liked me less than I liked it, but we grow as people, right?

    5) Heading back east to wonderful Martha’s Vineyard, which you know is one of those special places in the world.

    6) Off to Sydney and Amsterdam later this year. You would be thrilled with how Amsterdam is going.

    7) I’m going on my first trip to Vegas and with my family. Can you believe it? I can’t either but it’s happening.

    8) Britt and Mac are doing well. I would tell you all the gossip but you always knew what was happening before I did, so I will let you tell me the next time we speak.

    9) Jessy, gosh, Jessy. Jessy is doing well, Jeffrey. She has amazing friends and family and we all love her dearly and she, like all of us, just miss you terribly and wish this was all a bad dream.

    I wish we had more time, but I think it’s time to say good-bye for now.

    For now, Jeffrey, ciao and we’ll talk again.

    I love you and these tears, oh these painful tears will dry and I will smile the next time I think of you. Just not right now.


  178. Pingback: Reflecting on this blog « WatirMelon

  179. Mac James Randolph Sky Walker


    It’s been a very long time since I have been to this site. Sometimes I will quickly navigate away after coming here. I think about every single day. I try not to get sad because there is so much crap to deal with in life. I basically just try be as strong as you were each day of my life. I wear your clothes every single day since you have left. Mostly this pair of jeans but now that I am working at Cisco I started wearing your shirts and those shoes you gave me last summer. I kind of like this other pair of yours more- they make me taller. You were never 6’2 lets be honest… 6’1 & a quarter. Cut the shit.

    I think its really unfair that your not physically here. I know your inside me, I can feel you keeping me warm while I type this. I miss you tremendously though. I just would like to give you a giant hug and squeez so hard. I want to smell your scent again and eat your wonderful food and watch you interact with friends.

    I dont do any of this very often because its too hard for me, but its not because I dont like to think about you- I do everyday. I just prefer to reference you constantly to strangers and friends. I bring you up all the time and I laugh or commend you for something. Its just too fucking hard to know that I cant hug you. I want to very badly though.

    Please lick Elvis’s face for me. I know he would appreciate that.

  180. Mac James Randolph Sky Walker

    one more thing I forgot: I got your copy of Pro Tools on my computer now. I spent the last year at Davis learning the program in their media lab. I have been mastering some of my friends music and now been working on some of my own. I wrote a baseball poem and put it over music and have about a dozen different things I wrote about you but I cant seem to fit them into a song. Im working on one now over that group Blue Scholars with the trumpets. You weren’t a fan, but I dont care what you think its a good song. Also getting my motorcycle license soon so I can pick up chicks on your bike. Although I have a girlfriend now so that part will have to wait. You havent met Eileen but she knows you well. I tell her about you all the time. BT showed us some videos of the camping trip with Pee Wee and Karen, nice shorts dude!

    Ok I got to go back to pretending like I am working.

    I love you more than a double feature movie. And much more than that as well.

  181. Sandra(Alexandra) Blackledge Johnson

    Dear Jessy, Brittany and Mac,
    I’ve known your husband and father since he and my brother, formally- Hayward. S. Blackledge III, (Buzzy or later Buz) became fast friends in the mid 60’s. Those guys along with Peter Millman, and sometimes a few others, I’ve since learned, were “The coolest guys in Providence, R.I.” Buzz might have mentioned something like that to me. I’m not sure about that, but I do know that they were the best of friends. In the “all for one and one for all” way. But, you know this.
    Jeffrey Walker lived several lives- some of them perilous(in his youth and a little beyond). I often feared that he, Buz and the others might never grow up. I know you’ve heard or read stories of their adventures. The best life that Jeffrey led was when he met and fell in love with you Jessy, (I’m sorry that we didn’t have more time to talk) after Jeffry delivered his heartfelt eulogy to Buz a little more than two years ago. With my own eyes, I saw an extraordinary man, a brilliant, caring and loving man. I felt such pride and love for him. I’m so glad that you, Brittany and Mac, knew how much your dad deeply loved you. You(all of you) received his tuest love but Jeffrey was a renaissance man who was able to let his let his light shine brilliantly in so many other areas. You’ve got the best bragging rights in all of California.
    So, on this day especially, we all deeply miss Jeffrey but cheer the champion that he was and shall remain always.

  182. It’s been a difficult day, Jeffrey. Actually a difficult few days, but I guess that is to be expected.

    We had a good day at Atlassian drinkng gibson martini’s, with a twist, and listening to the Atlassian band (Morgan, Jay, Sloat and Paoli) playing some kick-ass music (who knew Sloat was so good on the Sax). Seems fitting to be spending this day at the office because so much of this office is you.

    I got to see Mac for far-too-brief of a moment today. Things were just too busy. Life goes on, I suppose, as it should. But it was always more fun when you were a part of it.

    Your presents was felt and I live with the memories and I keep you close to my heart.

    Much love Jeffrey,


  183. Hi Jeffrey,

    Thanksgiving 2010 has passed and I had a great time with friends. It’s been a cold holiday, actually hitting in the 30’s! It’s like a New England Thanksgiving. Jim cooked a turducken and we had about 14 or more people who spent around 8 hours or more. It was a great celebration with good food and great people. We even indoctrinated a Turk, a Greek and two Canadians and they all stuffed themselves silly. It was great!

    The Atlassian holiday party will be in January this year. Not sure how you would have felt about that, but most people seem happy with the decision.

    Brittany has been in the Amsterdam office and from what I understand she absolutely loves it. Like father like daughter 🙂

    You continue to be on my mind every day and I miss you. The loss is still close to the surface but the memories warm my heart.

    With much love,


  184. Dad,

    My anxiety has been through the roof and I think about you constantly. I spoke with Heather for an hour at 5 am in the morning. She was the only one I knew would be awake. I keep wondering where you are. And I can’t stop thinking about how you dealt with the loss of Pamela and your parents. I need you now a lot.

    When you passed away I was the only one with you and I remember leaving the hospital feeling like your presence had taken over my entire body. Please do that again for me. I need your strength.

    Ive been teaching myself piano lately. Mad World actually. It makes me think of you and Jessy.

    I love you.


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  186. Pingback: Farewell to a Friend | every108minutes

  187. Jeffrey, still on my mind. I like to play that little clip of Jeff strumming his guitar at the Stanford Walk for Life.

  188. What a stuff of un-ambiguity and preserveness of precious familiarity on the topic of unexpected emotions.

  189. Hi Jeffrey, I would love to hear how you celebrated your birthday yesterday. We had a great time down here.

    I do miss you. I think today especially as I miss how your passion, compassion and love inspired others. I see that is missing in so many lives today.

    First, your children are awesome. Mac is doing really well being surrounded by the things he is passionate about. Brittany is proving her professional skills and is showing the world there actually is a right way in doing business. I am so proud of both of them. I see so much of you in them, as it should be.

    Second, my mind goes back to the early days when people were surrounded by trust, by commitment, by taking chances and being told it was ok if it didn’t work out. My mind goes back to being grateful for everyone’s contributions and hopeful they would continue to grow and help with the success of all.

    Today I see some of those people not in that kind of environment anymore. They go to work with a purpose, with passion but soon are reminded “not here”.

    I don’t feel you ever got the true credit for what you created. You made it look effortless and yet it wasn’t. It’s not easy putting a team together that would sweat every last blood and tear for you. It’s not easy putting a team together who had your back as much as they had yours.

    To have been able to learn so much from you, as much from your actions as from your words, I am forever, forever grateful.

    Right now this world needs Jeffrey Walker more than ever. Thankfully you have taught a generation of leaders who will continue your teachings. But damn I wish you were here to teach more.

  190. Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this blog
    loading? I’m trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
    Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

  191. Hi Jeffrey, wanted to drop you note to let you know a group of great friends listened to great music in your honor last night. I’m now listening to your music, Mac was so kind to send me some of your recordings.

    Your two kids, well they’re not kids anymore, your two adult children love you so much and honor you every day in who they are. They embrace life to the fullest!

    Loving the music, man!

    Much love,


  192. Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is an extremely well written article.
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  193. Hi Brittany and Mac – thinking about Jeff – I reread your wonderful tribute- i know your dad is proud

  194. Scott Farquhar

    Happy birthday Jeffrey. Miss you, and your smile and laughter and welcoming spirit.

  195. Hi Jeffrey, Happy Birthday Man!!!

    We haven’t spoken in a while. The good things that continue are the love of family and friends and the joy in seeing the people you brought together all those years ago are spreading your brand of inclusion, support, and fun. You made it look easy but we know it wasn’t.

    The house you built is gone and it is missed by many but your spirit lives on and that special house has now blossomed into many places, so in reality the house you built has now become a village and it will continue to grow.

    Rock on Jeffrey!


  196. water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots

    Oakley Half Jacket Sunglasse

  197. Jeff,
    I appreciate what you wrote about bassists, and, of course, so much more. When we met in 1971, you had wrapped up your Masters’ at Berklee, I was one of two freshmen who got to stay in the dorm. You heard my Texan accent, ran off to grab strangers and drag them to my room, and then, with wild eyes and a bit of drool, just said: “David, say something”. WTF?!? MAN you put me on the spot. I was a complete newbie, from a culture that has an unspoken respect for strangers. I said something like “Howdy, y’all” and all these folks lost it.
    Jim Goodman, Malcolm, Owen started peppering me with questions. “Do you have horses? Cattle? Oil Wells?” Sheesh, I was from Houston. A CITY!
    You spotted my bass, and the next night we set up our amps on your 2nd-story dorm window, put them at “11”, and absolutely blasted the place starting around midnight with some serious blues. A couple of RAs came by, but the response of all the students swayed them to not have us stop.That we got to play so long together was really something.
    You changed my life, in deep ways. From the stuff I read above, I don’t know if many (serious exception being Peggy) realize the extent to which you were a true polymath.
    As I worked on my PhD at Stanford, and later as a prof, you would call up, or visit, to learn about my areas of expertise. You were characteristically intense. I suggested some rather deep stuff to start off with, and you came back for more. The depth of your intellect astounds me, and I am no dummy.
    In the house we shared in Eugene, you did some mighty crazy stuff; That we were playing for HOURS on end,unintentionally scaring the shit out of the poor ladies in the retirement home next door, was something. When I brought my sister Anne to our house, there you are, throwing knives at a full sheet of plywood upon which you had painted a crude outline of a man; the target was his genitalia. Now, how to explain this to my sister?!?
    Oh, and your idea of strawberries and Cool-Whip in the middle of the night? Man, you would give me a hassle at times about this or that, but I was up at 2 a.m. one night making real whipped cream for whatever you were doing with your girlfriend.
    People on this site seem to focus on your last years,totally clueless as to those early ones. They see the strength you had in facing cancer; I hope they understand that you brought a notorious zest for life in the best of times.
    You and Peggy also saved my butt; that our children played together was really something.

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  199. I too estranged from my friend Hayward Buzz Blackledge whom we lost September of 2008 and wanting to reach out to Binnie although I did speak to her briefly back Sept 2008. Given the distance as still maintain living in Chile, I was not able to come to Newton to extend my goodbyes to Buzz, and be with the rest of you. I never met Haywards sisters and it would have been the opportunity to do so after my initial meeting in 1968 of both Buzz, Jeffrey, Binnie, Steve, Peter, Linda Cohen and later Angela and her dear family and friends. I hope you are well after so long.

    It was just now that I became aware of the existence of this blog and ran into the sad news about Jeffrey. Sometimes the internet provides more information than previous times and was attempting to get contact information about Binnie Macarthur as I was trying to reach out to, instead I find this blog and the added sad news of Jeffrey whom I also knew and last met in San Francisco I think 1999 a reunion arranged by Hayward.. I did not know about Jeffrey not being well am sad to learn of his departure. We initially met while both of Jeffrey and Hayward lived on Mission Hill off of Huntington Ave..
    All of you were wonderful and most generous to me while I felt I was struggling in Boston after high school and one year to the New England Conservatory prior to departing Boston for IU in Bloomington IN.

    Miguel Orrego

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