The Benchmark for Corporate Wikis?

Sun Microsystems may set the benchmark for large corporations using blogging. Now Sun is trying to do the same with which makes it fast and simple for all employees to get up and running collaborating on a wiki. Excuse me, on Atlassian Confluence, I should say. Which is an honor given Sun’s wonderful ambition.

Linda Skrocki posted this Sun video today and aside from being long at six minutes [it would kill at three minutes!], it’s an awesome example of how one company is evolving communication.

I dig the 80’s music. The Aussies will think it’s contemporary. 🙂

3 responses to “The Benchmark for Corporate Wikis?

  1. Pingback: When customers do the marketing for you. « Vendorprisey

  2. In the video at about marker 4:53, there is a markup language editor that I have never seen before. Who’s editor is that?

  3. “Who’s editor is that?”
    It looks like Arbortext to me, but I’m no expert.

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